Computer Engineering

Engr. Dr Frank Edughom Ekpar

Ag. Head of Department

Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering was created from the Department of Electrical Engineering as a separate programme/Department, but domiciled in Electrical Engineering in the 1992/93 session. 

The Department ran programme leading to the award of a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering. The undergraduate programme was designed to provide fundamental knowledge and then deepen the students’ grasp of Computer Engineering.

It introduced them to the techniques and tools of research and development, and generally prepared them to face challenges and solve problems in the field of Computer Engineering/Information and Communication Technology. The Department operated with an interim accreditation from National Universities Commission (NUC), but had a denied accreditation in 2005. Following this denial, admission of fresh students was stopped, and the last batch of the students graduated in 2011.

In line with the exit report and recommendations of 2015 NUC accreditation team for the Faculty of Engineering, the need to ensure the recovery of Computer Engineering as a separate Department out of the present Electrical Engineering Department in the University became very apt. A Committee was put in place by the Head of Department of Electrical Engineering (Dr. S. Orike) in the 2016/2017 academic session to work out the modality, with Prof. C. O. Ahiakwo as the Chairman and Dr. Promise Elechi as Secretary. The Committee revised the programme curriculum in line with the provisions of both NUC and Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN)’s Benchmark Minimum Academic Standard (BMAS).

Senate in its 254th regular meeting held on 30th August 2018, gave approval to restart Computer Engineering as a distinct Department in the Faculty; and consequently, the Vice Chancellor appointed Dr. S. Orike as the Pioneer Acting Head of the Department.

Staff list in the Department

NameRankArea Of SpecialisationEmail
Engr. Dr. EKPAR, Frank E.Reader/Ag. HODArtificial Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering, Virtual and Augmented
Engr. Dr. ORIKE, SunnyReaderArtificial & Computational
Engr. Dr. ALALIBO, Tamuno-Omie J.Lecturer INetwork Security and Digital
Engr. Dr. NWOKU, Maxwell O.Lecturer IExpert Systems
Engr. Dr. LUCKYN, Boma J.Lecturer IInformation
Engr. Dr. SIBE, Robinson. T.Lecturer ICybersecurity/Digital
Engr. Dr. FRANKLIN, MissionLecturer
Engr. WEJIE- OKACHI, UgwechiLecturer IISoftware
Engr. (Mrs.) ABIDDE, Wobiageri N.Lecturer IIHardware Engineering and
Engr. Dr. ENOCH, Joseph D.Lecturer IIArtificial Intelligence and Software
Engr. KWELLE, Ransom C.Lecturer IIElectronics and Software
Mr. EME, Eruchi S. J.Assitant LecturerSoftware Engineering
Engr. MBAH, Frank S.Principal Chief
Mr. ORIANU, Stanley J.Technologist II
Mrs. KEN-BOMS, Mabel O.Administrative
Mrs. EDWARD, Queen-Jane N.Clerical


The primary duties and responsibilities of the Department are:

  • To design, develop, and deliver materials using a range of methods.
  • To create course materials, lesson plans, and curricula, research and field work.
  • To collaborate with other academics/institutions to improve teaching methods and expand knowledge.
  • Provide support to students and other departments.
  • Attending and participating in meetings, conferences, and other events in and outside of the institution.


The Head of Department is responsible directly to the Dean of Faculty for the day-to-day running of the Department. The Department has a Board that is responsible for the decision-making process in matters that strictly concern the Department. The Board is made up of only academic staff and it considers academic matters as it affects the students. The Board holds regular meetings in accordance with the requirement of Senate. Major policies affecting staff and students and their welfare are discussed extensively before they are adopted.

To facilitate the activities of the Board, members of staff are allocated specific duties as well, and appointed into several committees, which include:




a) Examinations and Records Officers and Examination Committee

b) Quality Assurance Committee

c) Students’ Advisers (for all levels of students)

d) Freshers’ Orientation Committee

e) SIWES/SWEP Committee (with the Chairman as Coordinator)

f) Welfare Committee

g) Laboratory Committee

h) Library Committee

i) Disciplinary Committee

j) Department-Alumni Collaboration Committee.

Membership of these Committees is expected to be reviewed every session.


The philosophy of the Computer Engineering department is to inculcate in students a sound knowledge of Computer Engineering, its applications; and developments and to involve the students in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying the innovations in Information Technology to solve modern economic problems and challenges. It is also to produce a technically and skillfully equipped set of graduates with appropriate knowledge to make effective contributions to the development of Nigeria, Africa and the global community, having been exposed to a broad foundational knowledge in the field of Computing Engineering and Cyberspace in general, and by extension the various sub-fields of Computer Systems Engineering, Cyberspace Security, Networking, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Database Management, Software Engineering, Systems Programming, etc.


On successful completion of the programme, a graduate of Computer Engineering shall be able to:

  • Be equipped with appropriate knowledge of Computer Engineering and Technologies in the cyberworld to make effective contributions to the development of Nigeria and the global community.
  • Be provided with broad and well-balanced knowledge of Computer Engineering principles, technologies, mechanism, tools, theories, and methods.
  • Cultivate the ability to apply their Computer Engineering knowledge and skills to the understanding and proffer solutions to societal problems in Nigeria and elsewhere.
  • Provided with relevant knowledge and skill base from which they can proceed to further studies in special areas of Computer Engineering or Computing related multi-disciplinary areas involving Computer Engineering Systems.
  • Instilled with an appreciation of the importance of Computer Engineering in information systems and technological advancements in several contexts of information and communication technology.
  • Develop a range of useful technical competencies in public, private or self-employment.