Consultancy Services Unit


In the office of the Vice-Chancellor, the Consultancy Unit was established in 1989. On 28 June 1990, the Governing Council of the University ratified its establishment and operational guidelines. Then in March 2000, it was registered as a Limited Liability Company with the name RSUST CONSULTANCY SERVICES LIMITED. However, as recent as 2nd April 2021, the Company’s name was changed to RIVSU CONSULT NIGERIA LIMITED to reflect the new name of the University, Rivers State University, which took effect on 13 April 2017 (Rivers State University Law, Supplement to Rivers State of Nigeria Official Gazette, No 4, Volume 53 – Part A). Since its establishment in 1989, the Unit has had four (4) Directors as shown below. Although, between October 1999 and 23 October 2000, there was no active Director of the Unit owing to the retirement of the then Director, Prof. M. O. Adeniji.

Consultancy Services Unit


  1. To provide opportunities to fully exploit and utilize the existing intellectual potential and human resource facilities in the University to the mutual advantage of the University and the Community at large.
  2. To use Consultancy as a means of generating more funds for the University.
  3. To promote cross-fertilization of ideas and activities by bringing ‘town and gown’ together more concretely and with symbiotic results.
  4. To increase the practical/research opportunities available to students, academics, and other professionals in the University for the gainful pursuit of their professional training and practice.


The Consultancy Services Unit is manned by a Director of a professional rank, an Assistant Chief Legal Officer, an Administrative Secretary, an Accountant, an Accounting Officer, two Administrative Staff, one Clerical Officer, and one Driver.


Consultancy is the use of the expertise of the University’s academics, administrative, and technical staff to serve the public through the provision of special goods and services for which payments would be made.

To do this, the Unit collaborates with Companies, Consultants, and Organizations. This channel yields revenue to the University thereby increasing its Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) because the subscriptions to the programmes are on a ratio basis to the University and Consultants/Organizations or Companies.

Generally, the services may take the form of supplies, extra-mural training or teaching of non-NUC regulated courses; designs, studies, investigations, problem-solving research in the immediate environment, project performance evaluation; and other mission-oriented applications of scientific knowledge and professional skills. Specifically, we provide services in the areas of training and retraining of various professionals through workshops and seminars; feasibility studies; computer services and information technology; evaluation and supervision of production and development projects; preparation of blueprints; policy documents; information brochures; and other business promotion literature.


Collaborations with Non-Governmental Organizations and Industries

The Consultancy Services Unit continues to create opportunities and the enabling environment for Companies to collaborate with the University to provide bespoke skill acquisition and continuous professional development programmes to members of the public. Table 1 shows our current affiliations with some agencies, industries, and corporate organizations.

Although some of the programmes are yet to commence subscription procedures with the general public, it is hoped that these collaborations will yield even more revenue to the University and earn the Consultancy Unit and indeed the University a front row in the comity of universities in Nigeria



  1. As stated, the Unit intends to set up a state-of-the-art ICT Centre. The Centre is expected to be a training hub for industrial software applications.
  2. The Unit also intends to apply for grants from agencies like the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) and Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) to enable it to upgrade facilities at its Oil and Gas Training Centre to transform it into a full-fledged institute for oil and gas studies.  
  3. To earn parity with other similar corporate bodies/entities, the Unit will strive to obtain certain statutory registrations and licenses, which are currently lacking. This will enable the Unit to bid for jobs and engage in more professional collaborations with multinationals and corporate bodies seeking partnership/affiliation with universities, as well as other government ministries, departments, and agencies seeking specific research or staff developmental programmes.
  4. First impression counts. Therefore, the Unit has plans to construct a befitting complex of its own. The complex will have administrative blocks, lecture halls, workshops, ICT Centre, etc. This will earn the Unit more respect from prospective business partners/associates.
Engr. Dr. Reuben N. Okparanma (Reader in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering) 



Reuben has 16 years of experience in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering and 9 years of expertise in modelling soil spectra of petroleum-contaminated sites based on visible and near-infrared (vis-NIR) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) for monitoring soil pollution and remediation. He is research active in the remediation of petroleum-contaminated soils, sludges, and oil-field drill cuttings. Specifically, Reuben’s research is focused on two thematic areas, including bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated matrixes and application of vibrational spectroscopy based on Vis-NIR DRS in the rapid detection of hydrocarbon contamination in environmental media. He has published 53 research papers and conference proceedings with significant contributions to the bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated soils and wastes such as drill cuttings and oily sludges as well as the application of Vis-NIR DRS in the rapid measurement of hydrocarbons in contaminated soils. He also has published 3 textbooks in Physics, Strength of Materials, and Chemical/Environmental Laboratory Safety. Reuben is a registered Agricultural Engineer by the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN). Reuben is an alumnus of the International School on Research Impact Assessment (ISRIA), Melbourne, Australia.


  • PhD (Cranfield) Environmental Engineering, 2013
  • Tech (RSUST) Environmental Engineering, 2007
  • Tech (RSUST) Agricultural Engineering, 2001


  • Director, Consultancy Services, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt (April 2018 – Present)
  • Vice-Chairman, Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE), Rivers State Chapter (2019 – Present)
  • Vice-Chairman, Nigerian Institution of Environmental Engineers (NIEE), Rivers State Chapter (2020 – Present)


  • Head, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt (2014-2018)
  • Technical Secretary, Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Port Harcourt Branch (2010)
  • Secretary, Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE), Rivers State Chapter (2010-2019)


  • Fellow, Nigerian Institution of Environmental Engineers (NIEE)
  • Member, Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE)
  • Member, Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE)
  • Member, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)

Member, International Council for Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (ICNIRS)

Staff Data

NameRankArea Of SpecializationEmail
Engr. Dr. Reuben N. OkparanmaReader/Ag. DirectorEnvironmental
Dorathy AmadiConfidential SecretaryEconomics
Benedictine I.E. KejehChief Executive Officer 1,
Angela Tsaro-Goteh AligbeAssistant Chief Legal OfficerLaw (Maritime Law)
Queenette Chinyere OnuegbuPrincipal Executive OfficerGuidance &
Queen Walter-StanleyAdministrative Officer 2 Guidance &
Charity Oyindah OmerejiAccountant 2Accounting/ Mgt. Seç
Lucky WikeAdministrative Officer 2Petroleum
Melford Nnam OkoroSenior Transport SupervisorMech. Engineering

List of Industries and Organizations in Partnership with the University through the Consultancy Services Unit

Faith-Dan (Nig.) International Ventures Ltd22 February 2008Currently running, but acquired by Consultancy Unit
Smart-Don Entertainment Ltd30 September 2016Yet to commence due to technical problems
Emufac Integrated Services Ltd30 September 2016Currently running
Garden City Business Institute Ltd6th November 2018Awaiting subscription
Doh-Gee Sy Consult Ltd6th November 2018Currently running
Ekolama Engineering Ltd6th November 2018Currently running
Ashcarter Oil and Gas Training19th November 2018Currently running
Brainbox Matrix Services Ltd11th July 2018Currently running
Women Educators Association of Nigeria (WEAN)November 2018Awaiting subscription
Doraflux Empire (Confectionaries)November 2018Awaiting subscription
CADPlus InnovationsApril 2019Currently running
TOTALENERGIES Nigeria LimitedDecember 2021Currently running
Chapel of Redemption School of MinistriesMarch 2022At MOU stage
Dowenis Nigeria LimitedMarch 2022At MOU stage

Training of Personnel of the Security Department of RSU

On 16 May 2022, with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, the Consultancy Unit in collaboration with one of its partners, Doh-Gee Sy Consult Limited, commenced the training of 193 personnel of the Security Department of the University on Basic Intelligence and Security (Figure 1). The training, which lasted for three weeks, ended on 3 June 2022.

Personnel of Security Department of RSU at the recently concluded training on Basic Security and Intelligence at the Consultancy Services Unit main Hall.

Training for The Presidential Amnesty Programme

On 18 December 2021, the Consultancy Services Unit graduated delegates of the Presidential Amnesty Programme (Figure 2). The delegates were trained by one of our partners, Brainbox Matrix Services, on Transformer Repairs and Maintenance.

Delegates of the Presidential Amnesty Programme during training on Transformer Repairs and Maintenance at RACAM Building and at their graduation ceremony at the University’s Amphi-Theatre in December 2021.

The training programme was one of its kind in the history of the Presidential Amnesty Programme. Given this, the Interim Administrator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme, Col. Milland Dixon Dikio (rtd.), paid a visit to the University to see things for himself

The Interim Administrator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme, Col. Milland Dixon Dikio (rtd.), on a visit to the University to assess the progress of the training programme on Transformer Repairs and Maintenance at RACAM. The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Nlerum S. Okogbule, the DVC Admin., Prof. S. Okoroma, and Director of Quality Assurance, Prof. Eric Amadi, were in attendance. The CEO of Brainbox Matrix Services, Engr. Sylvanus Eferebo took them around the training facility.

Training for TOTALENERGIES Nigeria Limited

TOTALENERGIES Nigeria Limited has recently partnered with the University through the Consultancy Services Unit to train 15 youths, in the first instance, from its area of operation in Machining and Fitting for one year (Figure 4). The Programme, which is in its sixth month, is being coordinated by the Oil & Gas Training Centre, spun out of the partnership with Ashcarter Nigeria Limited.

90-Day Owerri Oil & Gas Bootcamp

Currently, the Oil and Gas Training Centre is training several youths from Imo State sponsored by some companies operating in the State on HSE

MOU with the Young Engineers’ Entrepreneurship Club (YEEC), Africa

On 5 March 2020, the Oil and Gas Training Centre signed an MOU with the Young Engineers’ Entrepreneurship Club, a Non-Governmental Organization, to train 300 unemployed youths in Welding and Fabrication for job opportunities in the Oil & Gas sector of the economy

Exchange of signed MOU between the MD/CEO of Ashcarter Nigeria Limited (LEFT), Operator of the Oil & Gas Training Centre, Rivers State University, and the Chief Executive of The Young Engineers’ Entrepreneurship Club (RIGHT) at the Oil & Gas Training Centre, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt.

Relocation of the Consultancy Services Unit

The first impression counts; therefore, for prospective business partners/associates to take the Consultancy Service Unit seriously, a strong case was made for the urgent relocation of the Unit from the dilapidated wooden structure housing it to a more befitting structure pending when a complex of its own would be constructed. Consequently, the former Vice-Chancellor, Prof. B.C. Didia approved the relocation of the Consultancy Services Unit to the former Urban and Regional Planning Building. The Consultancy Services Unit moved to the new Office Complex (Figure 7) in January 2020 after the completion of renovation works by Estate and Works Department.

The New Consultancy Services Unit’s Office Complex

The Unit, after the renovation, has continued to improve facilities in the complex to make it more conducive for work, learning, and business. The Director’s office and the Conference Room have recently been given a facelift (Figure 8). One of the halls in the complex is currently being fixed to serve as an ICT hub for business.

Relocation of the Consultancy Services Unit

The recently renovated Director’s Office and 12-seater-capacity Conference Room at the Consultancy Services Unit’s Office Complex.

Incorporation of a New Company for The Consultancy Services Unit

Among other challenges, when the University changed its name, we made a case to have a new company name. As it turned out, the University Management Committee on 19 June 2019 approved the incorporation of a new company to replace the old one. As stated, the name of the new company is RIVSU CONSULT NIGERIA LIMITED.

Prospect of the Unit

  1. As stated, the Unit intends to set up a state-of-the-art ICT Centre. The Centre is expected to be a training hub for industrial software applications.
  2. The Unit also intends to apply for grants from agencies like the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) and Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) to enable it to upgrade facilities at its Oil and Gas Training Centre to transform it into a full-fledged institute for oil and gas studies.  
  3. To earn parity with other similar corporate bodies/entities, the Unit will strive to obtain certain statutory registrations and licenses, which are currently lacking. This will enable the Unit to bid for jobs and engage in more professional collaborations with multinationals and corporate bodies seeking partnership/affiliation with universities, as well as other government ministries, departments, and agencies seeking specific research or staff developmental programmes.
  4. First impression counts. Therefore, the Unit has plans to construct a befitting complex of its own. The complex will have administrative blocks, lecture halls, workshops, ICT Centre, etc. This will earn the Unit more respect from prospective business partners/associates.

Upcoming Events

  1. Planned International Conferences/Workshops

The Unit is planning to host and organize in-house seminars, workshops, and conferences, which can be subscribed to by individuals, corporate organizations, and industries for organizational and staff development. To this end, the Unit has been in discussion with a staff of the Environmental Protection Authority, Australia to organize an international workshop on Risk-Based Contaminated Land Investigation, Assessment, and Remediation. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has stalled discussions.

Moreover, discussion with the International School on Research Impact Assessment (ISRIA), Melbourne, Australia to organize an international workshop on Research Impact Assessment (RIA), which has reached an advanced stage, is presently on hold due to budgetary challenges. Over €204,000 would be needed to organize the international workshop, which will attract Faculty personnel from ISRIA, Melbourne to deliver the content. Sponsors are urgently needed.


  1. Collaborations with small- and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs)

The Unit is in discussion with several SMEs in Port Harcourt to partner with the University. Notable among them is a prominent supermarket chain, a fully automated dry-cleaning & laundry chain, a car wash outfit, and a potable water bottling company. These are partnerships that in addition to increasing the IGR of the University would assuage the sufferings of staff and students in getting basic goods and services at reasonably low prices.