
Dr. Ferdinand Daminabo

Ag. Head of Department


Architecture is a creative, multi-disciplinary course of study founded on three major intertwined fields: arts, science and technology and humanities. 

It deals with the creative insight of designing, ordering and developing the built environment. With the changes in the world and the complexities of technology, Architecture has increasingly become an important field of study with vast potentials for satisfying human needs in an ever-changing environment.

Staff list in the Department

NameRankArea Of SpecialisationEmail
Dr. Warebi Gabriel BrisibeReader / HODVernacular and Heritage Architecturein Nigeria, Colonial and Post-Colonial Theories.
Prof. Napoleon.O. ImaahProfessorArchitectural Composition: Tourism &
Dr. Anthony EnwinSenior LecturerSocial Housing
Dr. Ferdinand DaminaboSenior LecturerSustainable energy efficient buildings, Green
Arc. Iyerefa CookeyGamSenior LecturerHousing
Arc. Paul Bethels UchennaLecturerHistory and Theory of
Dr. Tonye D. PeppleLecturer lArchitectural Design, Urban Design
Mrs. Osuku, Jana DigimoghaLecturerHistory of
Arc. Lawson, TamunoiminaboLecturer lImpact of Urbanization on Climate
Kelechukwu DimkpaLecturer lSustainable
Obagah, Ramota RuthLecturer lArchitectural
Chizy Chukwuneyere AkaniLecturer llProject Management in
Mrs. Okpakpan Nkeiruka AdibeLecturer llCulture and Identity in
Kianen BonmeneLecturer
Chinwewenwo Philips OhochukwuLecturer llManagement (BIM) in
Chimene Ezebunwa OkereLecturer llProject Management in Architecture, Computer Aided Design and
Caleb Happiness EjiowhorAssistant LecturerDesign and Flood
Esau James EsauAssistant Lecturer Climate, Energy and Sustainability in
Osaki Christopher AbbeyAssistant
Ibiene Tamunoala AmakiriAssistant LecturerArchitectural History and People- Environment
Raymond MbataAssistant LecturerComputer Aided Design, Building


There are basically four broad areas of study from which prospective Ph.D students in architecture may make selections for purposes of individual specialization.  The four areas of specialization include:

(1)Architectural Technology

(2)People – Environment Studies in Architecture

(3)Architectural History and Theory

(4)Design and Computation

The PhD programme in the Department of Architecture RSU offers four (4) specialized areas of study drawn out from the four broad categories stated above. These areas generally focus on and encourage developing a more comprehensive knowledge base for the discipline of architecture that seeks to meet the growing need for teachers, scholars and interdisciplinary researchers concerned with the built environment.  The four areas of specialization include:

1. Architectural History and Theory

2. Climate, Energy and Sustainability Studies in Architecture

3. Housing and Urbanism

4. People-Environment and Culture Studies in Architecture

It must be pointed out that the areas listed above and described hereunder circumscribe both immediate needs and long term vision for a doctoral program in Architecture. They are also the areas where the Department of Architecture RSU, has its strengths in terms of scholarly research and expertise. The areas are designed to allow for flexibility and inter-disciplinarity within the program with the goal of achieving ultimate sustainability.  The supervisory staff strength in the program as well as the faculty and equipment available are adequate for the competent conduct and handling of the program.  In addition, the flexibility of the program permits the pooling of human resources together across the entire Faculty of Environmental sciences and across Faculties in the University.


The Department of Architecture in RSU runs a four-year undergraduate programme which is aimed primarily at preparing graduates to satisfy human needs by improving the physical environment under the guidance of qualified architects.

It seeks to achieve this by:

i. Conceiving, planning, Programming and designing of various building types to help development projects in the country.

ii. Supervising and compiling of progress report on construction projects.

iii. Advising Government and other bodies as consultants.


The philosophy of the program in architecture in line with the philosophy of the University “excellence and creativity” strives to apply the philosophy in solving the challenges of the environment.  Thus, the range of exposure and scope of the program in architecture is expected to produce competent and skilled professionals that are capable of facing a broad spectrum of challenges posed by the man-made environment, accomplished through understanding of the environmental problems of the immediate and global communities and evolving solutions.

The philosophy calls for exploration, exploitation and adaptation of cultural and traditional resources of communities particularly in Rivers State and other areas in Nigeria in solving environmental problems using creative insight, sound and technical knowledge to shape our environment through design, planning, construction and coordinating of other professional in the development of the environment.  Consequently, a sound grasp of the design process coupled with maintenance and management processes of the built environment along with innovative and sustainable use of accessible building materials and technologies are expected to assist in transforming the environment to cope with global challenges.  All of these challenges dictate that architectural education must be dynamic in its interaction with the social, economic, psychological, physical and technological needs of the environment.  This must be catered for through flexibility in the development of courses.