Department of Supply Chain Management

Coming soon

The Current Head of Department

Supply Chain Management

coming soon

The Department runs a programme that leads to the award of B.Sc in Mass Communication. The undergraduate programme is designed to provide fundamental knowledge and then deepen the students’ grasp of the dynamics of communicating with a mass audience.  It also introduces them to the techniques and tools of research, develops in them the spirit of enquiry and generally prepares them to face challenges and solve problems in the field of mediated and interpersonal communication.


Staff list in the Department

NameRankArea Of SpecialisationEmail
Dr. G.B. OkonHead of Dept
Femi O. ShakaProfessor
Emeji M.J.Associate Prof
Fredrick A. AmadiSenior Lecturer
Anthony A. AmakiriLecturer I
Richard N. AmadiLecturer I
Barigbon NserekaLecturer I
Friday K. OlubeLecturer II
Harry ItiekeAsst Lecturer
John G. NgochindoAsst Lecturer
Lolo BerepikiSnr Instructor
Sarah AmadiAsst Lecturer
George AmiforPrin. Conf. Sec.
Beatrice OnyijeAst. Chief Typist
Margret EwuteMessenger


The duties and responsibilities of the unit are tied to why we award degrees to our graduands which are learning and character-building. Therefore, the primary duties and responsibilities of the unit are training of our graduands in deep, sound knowledge and skills in animal production geared towards making them solvers of the problem militating against increased animal production in the wider world. In doing this, the unit strictly follows the prescribed rules, regulations and procedures outlined by the University Management in achieving them. 

Furthermore, the unit is also responsible in instilling in our graduands discipline as to enable them to become models to others to emulate in terms of positive character developments, thereby making them good leaders for tomorrow. Some of the areas these character-moulding principles are imparted in graduands include but limited to:

  • Punctuality – coming early to class for lectures as to replicate it outside school environment.
  • Sincerity – that is, telling the truth at all times.
  • Avoid cheating – incuding during examinations.
  • Being respectful – to others
  • Being conscious – of things and comments they make, ensuring that you do not by your comments or acts destroy others. They may become your helpers tomorrow.

Therefore, in the overall, the unit ensures that we award our degrees due to learning and character.


Dean Faculty Of Agriculture

Head Of Department Of Animal Science

Secretary Departmental Board / Academic Staff

Technologist / Professors

Administrative Officer Readers



Senior Lecturer 

Lecturer I

Lecturer II

Assistant Lecturers 

Graduate Assistants


To respond to the growing needs of a dynamic industry by designing, developing and sustaining a scholarly framework aimed at enriching the intellectual, structural and ethical base of media practice within global parameters for excellence and creativity.

Here we consider various facets of life:

  1. Self-employment, using appropriate entrepreneurial strategies and procedures
  2. Industry
  3. Research and Development
  4. Direct services to groups and individuals in the human society.
  5. Education – Teaching at various levels
  6. Any Others

A graduate of Mass communication is open to a wide spectrum of career opportunities going by the fact that students of Mass communication are expected to walk a cafeteria line of disciplines taking a tid bit from here and a morsel from there thus according versatility to the discipline.

The following opportunities abound for graduates of Mass Communication:

(A)   A graduate of Mass communication based on the endogenous nature of the Nigerian economy can establish a Newspaper, Magazine, Radio/TV station, Public                                    Relations/Advertising agencies.

(B)   The Mass Communicator in terms of Industry relevance can work as a reporter, editor, announcer, public relations officer, copy writer, media projects manager, etc.

(C)   The dynamics of Social Science research are the major forte in Mass Communication therefore opinion surveys on attitudes and disposition of cognate publics come within this             purview. Also, content analyses on media coverage of corporate bodies/government come handy too for graduates who work in the Research and Development units of                       corporate organizations.

(D)   Consultancies on media management, advert is advertising/public relations strategies and audience surveys make up the gamut of direct services to groups.


Animal Science Department programmes are primarily designed with the goal of producing graduates who possess sufficient knowledge and competence to effectively and efficiently perform the following:

  • Own and operate profitable ventures in animal production and its related fields
  • Function as high level technical staff in various facets of the Animal Industry.
  • Extend the technologies involved in optimal animal production to rural communities.
  • Develop innovative practices in Animal Agriculture through sound understanding of the principles and practices of animal husbandry.
  • Continue to learn and acquire additional skills as new technologies emerge
  • Undergo advance studies in Animal Science
  • Register and practice as professional with the Nigerian Institute of Animal Science.