Department of Educational Management

Osuji Catherine Uchechukwu PhD

The Current Head of Department

Educational Management

On 21st September 2015, the Senate Business Committee directed the Faculty of Technical and Science Education (now Faculty of Education) to refer to the 2006 Curriculum and Instruction Committees recommendation for the creation of the Department of Educational Management from the present Department of Educational Foundations. 

Senate, in its 245 regular meeting finally approved the Take-off of the Department of Educational Management in 2017/2018. In keeping with Nigerian University’s Commission (NUC) and BMAS requirement, the Department of Educational Management house programmes leading to the award of Bachelor B.Ed/B.Sc; M.Ed and PhD in Educational Management. At each level, the programmes are designed to enable students acquire appropriate managerial skills, abilities and competences such that the prospective educational manager would better understand human behaviour and interrelationships both at the work environment and the society at large.

Staff list in the Department

NameRankArea Of SpecialisationEmail
Dr. Catherine U. Osuji (Ag. HOD, EDM)Senior Lecturer Animal Science Educational
Prof. N. S. OkoromaProfessorEducational Management and
Prof. Eric C. AmadiProfessorEnglish and Foundation Studies; Educational Administration/Supervision Educational Management and
Prof. S. E. WeliProfessorEducational Administration
Dr. O. T. Amie-OganSenior LecturerEducational Management (Administration)
Dr. B. Wey-AmaewhuleLecturer lEducational Management (Administration)
Dr. B. L. Edo Lecturer lSocial Studies Educational Management/
Dr. Nwile Befii CharlesEnglish/French English/
Dr. Aleru Gladys E.Lecturer llSecretarial Education, Educational Management and
Dr. Kenneth AmadiLecturer llBusiness Education (Accountancy) Educational Management (Administration)
Dr. Ineye-Briggs CynthiaLecturer llEducational Management (Economics of Education)
Dr. Barango Tariah- HopeLecturer llPolitical Administration Educational Management Educational
Dr. Sam-Kalagbor Osaruchi V.Lecturer llAccountancy Educational
Mrs. Uriri ChikaAssistant LecturerPeace and Conflict Studies Educational
Mr. Okwu Francis BogbulaAssistant LecturerEducational Management (Administration)
Mr. Nwonkwo Ignatius Smart O.Assistant LecturerEducational Management and
Mrs. Igoni Chinonye GiftAssistant LecturerEducational Management (Administration)
John Blessing ChijiokeAdmin. Officer llEducation Management/Political
Nkomadu Blessing M.SecretaryEducation/Political


The Department of Educational Management is headed by the Head of Department with the help of office support staff. Their duties include: –

  • Oversees and coordinate office administrative procedures, review and evaluate processes.
  • Carry out administrative activities associated with student admissions to the department.
  • Ensures that both staff and students records are kept safely and updated periodically.
  • Implementation of policies and procedures of the university administration of all personnel related to the release of records and matters on request.
  • Dissemination of mails, information, messages and handling of correspondences.
  • Supervision of students and staff welfare.
  • Maintenance of discipline in the department.
  • Supervision of students, staff and student’s welfare.
  • Management of database of the department.


  • The Organizational Structure of the Department is as follows:
  • Head of Department
  • Teaching Staff
  • Non-Teaching Staff
  • Students
  • The Department of Educational Management runs a four (4) years degree programme for regular students with the following options:
  • Educational Management/Economics
  • Educational Management/Social Studies
  • Educational Management/ English Language
  • Educational Management/Political Science
  • Educational Management/French.
  • Part-Time Programme (CCE)

The Department of Educational Management runs a five (5) years degree programme with the above options.

  • Post Graduate Programmes
  • Master in Education (M.Ed.) Educational Management
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) with options in Educational Management and Planning, Educational Management and Administration, Economics of Education and Higher Education.


The philosophy of Educational Management programme is to produce educational managers who are equipped with managerial skills, abilities and competences such that the prospective educational manager would have a better understanding of human behavior and interrelationships. Such managerial skills will in addition, equip teachers with good leadership qualities needed to create a favorable environment for innovation and creativity in this era of ICT integration in teaching and learning.


The Objectives of the programme are to:

  • Produce educational managers and research-oriented teachers who can use ICT integration to contextualize instruction.
  • Create/assemble a depository of resource materials for management and administration of education subjects.
  • Plan for and provide facilities for the effective use of resource materials for instruction.
  • Introduce students to professional studies in educational planning and administration.
  • Enable students to understand the increasing complexities of educational management.
  • Produce strong advocates for the application of scientific methods for the solution of state and national problems.
  • To provide proper training for qualified staff in Ministries of Education, Schools and other educational agencies (with or without formal training in educational management   and Planning).
  • Produce educational administrators to head educational institutions such as primary and secondary schools, education boards and committees.
  • Produce teachers to teach courses in educational management and related social science education disciplines.
  • Provide in service and on-the-job, professional training for different categories of education institutions and agency staff who require educational management skills for effective and efficient discharge of their duties.
  • Produce strong advocates and promoters of government educational management Programmes.
  • Prepare students for advanced studies in educational management.