Animal and Environmental Biology

Dr Miebaka Moslen

Ag. Head of Department

Animal and Environmental Biology

The BSc degree in Applied Biology was one of the pioneer programmes of this University as it evolved from the Higher National Diploma in Applied Biology in the Department of Biological Sciences of the former College of Science and Technology. The College of Science and Technology was upgraded first to Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt in August 6, 1980 and now Rivers State University.

The programmes were rigorously revised and enlarged to include Botany option (with specialised interest areas such as Plant Physiology, Plant Pathology, Taxonomy and Systematics), Microbiology option (with Microbial Systematics, Environmental Mi-crobiology, Industrial Microbiology, Food and Veterinary as well as Pharmaceutical Microbiology) and Zoology option (Entomology, Marine Biology and Environmental Biology). As the department got involved in environmental impact studies due to our peculiar environment (the Niger Delta Eco-logic zone and oil exploratory / industrial activities), our departmental programmes became en-larged to accommodate Postgraduate programmes that reflect environmental studies. In October 2002, The Senate approved a change of name from Department of Biological Science to the De-partment of Applied and Environmental Biology so as to reflect the current interests of the pro-gramme to the surging awareness of the place of Biology to man’s environment.

The Department of Animal and Environmental Biology was created from the Department of Applied and Environmental Biology in 2014. The Department runs a four-year programme that leads to the award of BSc. in Animal and Environmental Biology. The undergraduate programme in the first three years provides fundamental knowledge and deepens the students’ grasp of Animal and Environmental Biology. In the last year of study, the students are introduced to techniques and tools of research, developing in them the spirit of enquiry which launches them into areas of specialization such as Parasitology, Entomology, Wildlife Biology and Biodiversity Conservation, Endocrinology and Reproduction, Environmental Management, Animal Bioinformatics, Forensic and Medical Entomology among others. Postgraduate programmes leading to the award of PGD, MSc and PhD include Marine Biology and Pollution Studies, Ecology and Environmental Biology, Hy-drobiology and Ecotoxicology and Applied Entomology.

Staff list in the Department

NameRankArea Of SpecialisationEmail
Prof. I. K. E. Ekweozor ProfessorMarine Biology/
Prof. E. R. DakaProfessorHydro Biology/Ecotoxicology
Prof. E. E. OrluProfessorReproductive Physiology/Genetics
Prof. G. C. AkaniProfessorWildlife/Conservation Biology
Prof J. OnwuteakaProfessorEcosystem Services and Biodiversity/
Prof. A. P. UgbomehProfessorAquatic Ecology Fisheries
Prof. B, B. Fakae ProfessorParasitology
Prof. Asita O. AsitaProfessor (Contract)Genetics
Prof N. EbereProfessorEntomology/Fisheries Biology
Prof. Barikpoa Uedeme-NaaProfessorAquatic Biology
Dr. M. MiebakaReader/Ag.HODToxicology Hydrobiology/Aquatic
Dr. K. Bob-ManuelSenior Lecturer Marine
Dr. C. C. AmuzieSenior LecturerEnvironmental Parasitology
Mr. C. WalaLecturer lVertebrate Biology/
Dr. G. A. ObulorLecturer 1Molecular Biology/Genetics
Dr. A. Green.Senior Lecturer Marine Biology
Dr. I. B. Ekerette Senior
Mr. H. O. ChukwuLecturer
Dr. G. N. Anaero-NwekeLecturer llPhysiology/
Dr N. AmadiLecturer lWildlife/Conservation Biology
Ms. Membere OkoriteAssistant Lecturer
Dr. Grace AlawaAssistant LecturerWildlife/Conservation Biology
Mrs. Kelechi NwachukwuAssistant LecturerEnvironmental
Mr. Albert Andrew OwohAssistant LecturerAquatic Ecology
Mr. Robert BelemaLecturer IIParasitology
Dr. Owhoeli O.Lecturer IIParasitology
Dr. John-Amadi V. S.Lecturer II
Dr. Wekhe-Amenike A.Lecturer IIMolecular Biology/Genetics
Ms. Sotonye WodiAssistant LecturerParasitology
Mrs. Evelyn Godwin-Amaewhule Assistant LecturerParasitology
Mr. Orluoma C. A.Assistant LecturerPublic Health Parasitology
Mrs. Ofuru R. O.Assistant LecturerEnvironmental Parasitologist
Mrs. Orlu Regina C.Assistant LecturerEnvironmental Biology
Mrs. Amadi Ndidi P.Assistant LecturerEnvironmental Parasitologist
Mr. Chindah Given C.Assistant LecturerEnvironmental Biology
Mrs. Timothy Chioma Assistant LecturerEcology
Mrs. Udauk Inyang Dorathy Assistant LecturerMarine Biology
Mr. Owhonda Ihunwo Assistant LecturerEnvironmental Specialist
Miss P. ItolimaSenior
Mr. Nsirim Dimkpa P.Technologist II
Mrs. Dimkpa Victoria O.Technologist II
Ms. Perebi Jennifer BereziTechnologist II
Ms. Jerry Robert S. C. O.Technologist II
Mr. A. S. Orotankpo Senior Store Assistant
Mr. G. C. NwokochaDepartmental
Mrs. Edith OwualaChief Confidential
Mrs. F. George Principal Executive Officer
Mr. Walter Emmanuel Administrative Officer
Mrs. N. Chukwuemeka Cleaner


The administrative procedure in the department is outlined in the Fig below. The different units of administration are manned by a staff whose telephone number is made available for easy access to students and staff within the University. The Head of Department runs the department through committee system with assistance of the Departmental Board.

Student advisers

Public Lecture Coordinator

Registration Officer

SIWES Coordinator


The programme operates on the University modular system, incorporating mandatory, i.e. pre-req-uisite, core and elective courses (modules).


Animal and Environmental Biology is essential for value creation and value capture in health and environmental sciences today. In accordance with the philosophy of the Rivers State University, the programme in Animal and Environmental Biology aims at promoting general and practical educa-tion in the study of animals, their environment and role in public health, agriculture and other di-verse areas of human endeavour. Such training is essential for the development of human intellect as well as management of our national resources and overall socio-economic, scientific and techno-logical development of the country. The biologist has a lot of challenging opportunities such as problems from soil infertility and food production, pest management, higher productivity from ma-rine resources, oil pollution, economic use and conservation of the mangrove and tropical rain for-est, parasites and disease control. The biologist is poised to find solutions to these challenges.

The Rivers State University is situated in a unique ecological zone. Within easy reach are the man-grove swamps, ocean, fresh and brackish waters, rain forest etc. Urbanisation, industrialisation and population growth are causing radical changes in the environment and these are best solved by the biologist who should have both the knowledge and technique to tackle them.

The Department currently runs programmes at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The pro-grammes are:

  • BSc Animal and Environmental Biology
  • PGD Animal and Environmental Biology
  • MSc. And PhD Ecology/Environmental Biology
  • MSc and PhD Ecotoxicology/Hydrobiology
  • MSc and PhD Applied Entomology
  • MSc and PhD Marine Biology and Pollution Studies


The objectives of the degree in Animal and Environmental Biology are developed to:

  • Provide a comprehensive education in Animal and Environmental Biology that stresses sci-entific reasoning and problem solving across the spectrum of disciplines within the curricu-lum;
  • Prepare students for a wide variety of post-undergraduate paths, including graduate school, professional training programs, or entry level jobs in any area of Animal and Environmental Biology;
  • Provide extensive hands-on training in biotechnology, statistical analysis, laboratory skills, and field techniques;
  • Provide thorough training in written and oral communication of scientific information
  • Enrich students with opportunities for alternative education in the area of Animal and Envi-ronmental Biology through undergraduate research, internships, and study-abroad.